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View|Show Report List (F9)


Show/hide the report list. You may also click the hotspot button in the center of the bar.



View|Show Source Editor (F8)


Show/hide the source viewer window. You can also click the hotspot button in the center of the bar.



View|Show Toolbar


Mark this menu item if you want the toolbar to appear.

Default = Yes





Select how to arrange the report list window and the viewer window. Choose between the following arrangements:


Reports Left, Viewer Right (default)

Reports Top, Viewer Bottom

Viewer Left, Reports Right

Viewer Top, Reports bottom



View|Back (Alt+Left)


Go to the previous editor location.



View|Forward (Alt+Right)


Go to the next editor location.



View|Previous Reference (Ctrl+Alt+Left)


For a selected identifier in the editor, go to the previous reference. The first reference for an identifier is its declaration.



View|Next Reference (Ctrl+Alt+Right)


For a selected identifier in the editor, go to the next reference.



View|Class List (Ctrl+Alt+C)


Displays a list of all reported classes in the project. Select a class to go to its declaration in the source code editor.



View|Module Subprogram List (Ctrl+Alt+S)


Displays a list of all subprograms in the module (unit). Select a subprogram to locate its declaration in the source code editor.



View|Module Used Units List (Ctrl+Alt+U)


Displays a list of all units used by the module (unit). Select a unit to open its source code file in the editor.




See also:


Main menu